Thursday, September 4, 2014



                                                Written By Ki Radiance


                                        “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                                    (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,

                                    simple Motion In Love Eternally)

  It’s not about the victory, it’s about understanding.  Some people get into fights,

trying to show how hard and tough they are.  Gangs are brawling against other

gangs.  Fights break out.  Attitudes and fits of rage flare up in some people’s hearts.

It’s not about victory, it’s about understanding.  We go to war everyday about

differences between us.  Differences like our walks of life.  Differences in our

extents of education we have.  It’s not about victory, it’s about understanding.

We shouldn’t beat ourselves down when we fail in doing things.  We can’t learn

if we don’t make mistakes.  As long as we’re still alive, there are more chances

for us to continue striving higher.  Victory means nothing without understanding

what it took to get there.  Like graduating from college is the victory, but we have

to understand it took hard work, hours of studying, determination, testing ourselves,

taking and reviewing notes. 

     Tenacity is a characteristic we must hold deep within ourselves.  It’s not about

victory, it’s about understanding.  There are lessons to be learned from everyone

of our interactions with each other.  As soon as we realize understanding holds

supremacy over victory, we’d be in no rush to arrive at victory.  But understanding

will put our anxious hearts at ease.

                                                  Ki Radiance

                                                   Wednesday September 3, 2014

                                              9:20 c Copyright- All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


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