Saturday, June 30, 2012

Continue Developing Our Relationships with God

     Pictures need to be developed to see clearly.  Just like our relationships with people needs to continue

being developed, our relationships with God desperately needs to be developed even more.  When we study

the bible, we're in the development stages.  Everyday and night this should be our focus.  The BIBLE

provides, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).  Providing us with this weapon is the ultimate expression

of love, because he says, "I will come like a thief  in the night.  (1 Thessalonians 5:2)  For you know very

well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.  We should truly continue developing our

relationships with God, because he first loved us by allowing his son, (Jesus Christ) to die on the cross for

our sins.  God wants to be first in our lives, and how first we make him, that's how first he will make us.

God can't be around darkness, but Jesus Christ bridged the gaps between God and ourselves with his

blood.  As much as we love developing other things, we must love developing our relationships with

God intensely more.

     Everyday and night our relationships with God are developing.  Now whether good or bad is up to

our desires to have relationships with God.  We must know who he is and this revelation can only be

revealed through reading the bible. By continuing to do this everyday and night, well be developing our

relationships with God.   The ultimate picture we could develop for God is continue developing our

relationships with him.  Our relationships with God should elevate everyday and night.  With new revelations

being developed in us shows we're searching for him.  (Psalm 70:4) But may all who seek you rejoice and be

glad in you, may those who love your salvation always say, "Let God be exalted."  How are our relationships

with God doing?  That all depends on if we continue developing them with him.  To develop anything, we

have to invest ourselves in it.  How much we've developed in the Lord says how much we've invested

ourselves in developing relationships with him.

                                        Shakira Jones
                                        Saturday June 30, 2012
                                        11:25 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved  

Friday, June 29, 2012

People Miss Me Because They See Jesus In Me

     I hate missing work, (AMC Star Theaters) because I love people, serving them.  People miss me the

days I don't work.  People miss me because they see Jesus in me.  One day at work a lady fell in one of the

theaters, and we didn't have any wheelchairs because some people stole ours.  I told managers, "We need

wheelchairs because we can't fully serve those people who have trouble walking without them.  If we don't

provide this service, they'd just go to other theaters."  After she fell, a manager came in the hall where I was

sitting and casually said, "Yeah, a lady fell in a theater."  I immediately said, "Here take my wheelchair."  He

surprisingly asked, What about you baby?"  I responded, "I'll be okay, God gave me the ability to walk and

the heart to give away when there's a need."  He responded, "Oh bless your your heart Shakira."  I've

extended my wheelchair many other times.  People miss me because they see Jesus in me.  I think of other

people before myself.  I extend characteristics of Jesus Christ to people with gentle smiles on my face

everyday.  Some people ask me, "Why do I smile all the time?"  I simply say, "Because God hasn't given me

a reason to frown."

     I treat people the way I want to be treated.  People miss me because they see Jesus in me.  A lady came

over to the side of the theater I was working on and said, "I just had to come over here and meet you
because you have a glow radiating from you."  I perceive that GLOW to be, (God's Labor Of Wisdom))

After I extended my wheelchair, many people crowded around me.  I felt like Jesus Christ because of

people's admiration.  I'm alive for one sole purpose: to imitate Jesus Christ.  I'm fulfilling that purpose

because he is who people see.

                                     Philippians 4: 8-9

     Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think of such things.  Whatever you

have received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.
                                               Shakira Jones
                                               Friday June 29, 2012
                                               8:33 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Plant The Seed (God's word) Which Is What The World Needs

     I'm in the gardening profession.  Planting God's word in people's hearts. (Mark 4:9)   The word says,

"Let those who have ears hear what I say.."  Knowing everyone won't accept God's word.  God chooses

who he wants to use for his benefits, (spreading his word, which is above everything else we could do.  I

plant the seed.,(God's word), which is what the world needs.  Every piece of literature I write can be backed

up with scripture, because God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  Everyday God wakes

me up with this specific mission: to introduce the world to him.  I can't quench the spirit of God out of my

talent of writing, because he's the one who gave it to me.  Scripture says, "Plant the seed,  and God will

make it grow."  I'm disgusted with this world because God  isn't in it.  Where God isn't, there will be chaos.

It's going to hell, (the grave), in a hand basket.  I plant the seed, (God's word) which is what the world


     This is the best present I could give the world, the solution to embrace peace, joy, contentment, love,

and mostly obedience to God's word.  This is towards our benefits, (following the ten commandments.

We reap what we sew.  In a way we are all gardeners, digging up pits without lifejackets, (God's word),

to prevent us from destroying ourselves.  God  has left us alone, (to live our own ways for a thousand

years) to show us how much we need him.  Whose name do we call on in desperate times, (God's)

because there is no one greater than he is.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

(Revelations 1:8)  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Lord God, "Who is and who was, and who is to

come, the Almighty.  These truths are why I plant the seed.

                                   Ki Radiance
                                   Wednesday June 27, 2012
                                    4:29 a.m - c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Sunday, June 10, 2012


     I surrender all to thee.  I can do nothing in and of myself, which brings me to my knees in reverent fear of

you God.  Although I do fall short of the glory of God, I'm lifted back up by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Every time I persist to surrender to you God, Satan is right at my knees, persisting to make them buckle.

But I hold onto God's unchanging hand.  I stand secure in your love, which no one can swerve me away

from.  Because I stand surrendered because I know of your greatness.  My assignment is to remain

surrendered, which I will never fail in accomplishing.  You, God secure  this position for me by allowing me

to experience trials and tribulations of many kind.  This is true love coming from you, because you allow me

to experience things where I will call on your name.  I experience victories because I surrender all to you,

God declaring you to be the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  (Revelations 1:8).  I

surrender all to thee because you  are a jealous God.

     You command me not to put no one before you, because you are Almighty.  Your love for me

is everlasting.  Though I don't deserve it, you forgive me of all my sins.  Awakening to your love for me, I

continue to walk in your  footsteps, showing my admiration for you.  My walk says something about my

strength I hold in myself, and that strength derives from my surrender to God.

                                     Ki Radiance
                                     Sunday June 10, 2012
                                     6:02 c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm God's Resume

     This is my true identity:  "God's Resume."  Each trial and tribulation I've faced in my life, he's brought me

through.  Jesus Christ, (who is the image of God) sticks closer than any brother.  I've been hit by a car when

I was seven years old, was in a coma for three months.  Doctors said I would be brain damaged if I did

survive and I would I would be a vegetable.  But God said something different and in my life, he has the last

word.  I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  (Philippians 4:13)  I'm God's resume.

I'm able to walk, talk, learn, I've graduated high school and completed some years of college.  I've written a

book and got it published, and am working on my second book.  I've read some of my literature on

television and in coffee shops.  I'm a motivational speaker without saying a word with the actions I perform.

I'm God's resume.  These facts prove it.  He woke me up today.  He breathes air into my nostrils.  If there

ever was someone I wanted to reflect, it would be God, because there's no one greater.  Although I will

never reach his perfection because I do fall short of his glory, I'm grateful I'm forgiven by the blood of Jesus


     I have a positive attitude because I'm God's resume.  I consider other people above myself because I'm

God's resume..  I give all my worries and concerns to God because I'm his resume.  Jesus Christ is my

righteousness, the one who covers my sins.  I'm moved out of darkness into God's glorious light, which

presents me as God's resume.  

                                                     Ki Radiance
                                                     Thursday June 7, 2012
                                                      2:30 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm A Motivational Speaker Without Saying A Word

     Actions speak louder than words.  Without saying a word, I'm a motivational speaker by showing

determination with actions I perform.  I was hit by a car, and was declared brain damaged, but I'm a

motivational speaker through the actions I perform.  Doctors told my family I wouldn't be able to walk, talk,

or learn again.  They also said I would be a vegetable and would have to live the rest of my life.

 I practiced walking and wouldn't give up or accept help from no one.  That was because I

knew God didn't restore my life to be dependent on no one who was no higher than I was.  Some people

may see that as being selfish, but I see it as being motivational for me and other people.  This is a powerful

position to stand in and be known as.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  (Philippians

4:13) I hold onto that scripture to motivate myself.  I never give up on anything, even things I fail in doing.  I

view that as maybe it's not time for me to reach those goals.  (Philippians 4:13)  I can do all things through

Christ who strengthens me."  I continue restating this scripture  because it's something I have to remember,

and I want to encourage other people that they can do the same.  I never say a word.  I always perform

actions, and that's the most profound way I speak.  So continue listening to what I say.

     I began writing in the eighth grade, and continue writing everyday and night.  Some people told me

how difficult it was to become a writer, but I continued pressing towards that goal.  I kept praying to get

better and better, and as  long as I kept God as the reason I write and getting his word out, that definitely

persisted to happen.  With God being my sole provider, I can change the world with my literature.  I persist

to do this by being a motivational speaker without saying a word.

                                   Ki Radiance
                                   Tuesday June 5, 2012
                                   6:37 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Being Disgusted Is The Best Motivation To Change

     It may seem like we're feeling this emotion many times during the day.  Disgusted.  Disgusted about being

unemployed motivates some people to continue their educations and get better jobs.  Disgusted about being

overweight, which motivates some people to watch what they eat and exercise.  Personally, I'm disgusted with

wars occurring around our world, which motivates me to write powerful pieces of literature mirroring our

participations in presenting the world to stand as it does.  Showing how much God and realities of peace

are necessary, and most of all, are missing in the equation.  Hatred needs to be demolished because

participants are carving death in our world.  United we stand.  Divided we fall.  God Almighty blessed

me with the talent in writing, which I dedicate each piece to him.  Showing people he is the Alpha and the

Omega, the beginning and the end of my life.  Showing people he is the one who knows everything.  He

sees everything, even every hidden thing.  Being disgusted is the best instrument that motivates change

within us.

     I was disgusted  when some people told me I couldn't  walk because I was in a wheelchair.  I declared

with my actions I performed, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  (Philippians  4!3)

I wouldn't accept help from no one because I knew God didn't restore my life to be dependent on no one

who was know higher than I was.  Being disgusted is the best motivation and weapon where strength can

be resulted from.  That's the motivation we need to improve our lives.  How low do we have to decrease

to for us to be disgusted to make productive changes in our lives?  Hopefully it's before we reach states

where we can't get up.  That's why trials and tribulations are experienced everyday, because being disgusted

is the best motivation to change.

                                        Ki Radiance
                                          Saturday June 2, 2012
                                          8:38 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved