Saturday, June 30, 2012

Continue Developing Our Relationships with God

     Pictures need to be developed to see clearly.  Just like our relationships with people needs to continue

being developed, our relationships with God desperately needs to be developed even more.  When we study

the bible, we're in the development stages.  Everyday and night this should be our focus.  The BIBLE

provides, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).  Providing us with this weapon is the ultimate expression

of love, because he says, "I will come like a thief  in the night.  (1 Thessalonians 5:2)  For you know very

well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.  We should truly continue developing our

relationships with God, because he first loved us by allowing his son, (Jesus Christ) to die on the cross for

our sins.  God wants to be first in our lives, and how first we make him, that's how first he will make us.

God can't be around darkness, but Jesus Christ bridged the gaps between God and ourselves with his

blood.  As much as we love developing other things, we must love developing our relationships with

God intensely more.

     Everyday and night our relationships with God are developing.  Now whether good or bad is up to

our desires to have relationships with God.  We must know who he is and this revelation can only be

revealed through reading the bible. By continuing to do this everyday and night, well be developing our

relationships with God.   The ultimate picture we could develop for God is continue developing our

relationships with him.  Our relationships with God should elevate everyday and night.  With new revelations

being developed in us shows we're searching for him.  (Psalm 70:4) But may all who seek you rejoice and be

glad in you, may those who love your salvation always say, "Let God be exalted."  How are our relationships

with God doing?  That all depends on if we continue developing them with him.  To develop anything, we

have to invest ourselves in it.  How much we've developed in the Lord says how much we've invested

ourselves in developing relationships with him.

                                        Shakira Jones
                                        Saturday June 30, 2012
                                        11:25 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved  

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