Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm God's Resume

     This is my true identity:  "God's Resume."  Each trial and tribulation I've faced in my life, he's brought me

through.  Jesus Christ, (who is the image of God) sticks closer than any brother.  I've been hit by a car when

I was seven years old, was in a coma for three months.  Doctors said I would be brain damaged if I did

survive and I would I would be a vegetable.  But God said something different and in my life, he has the last

word.  I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  (Philippians 4:13)  I'm God's resume.

I'm able to walk, talk, learn, I've graduated high school and completed some years of college.  I've written a

book and got it published, and am working on my second book.  I've read some of my literature on

television and in coffee shops.  I'm a motivational speaker without saying a word with the actions I perform.

I'm God's resume.  These facts prove it.  He woke me up today.  He breathes air into my nostrils.  If there

ever was someone I wanted to reflect, it would be God, because there's no one greater.  Although I will

never reach his perfection because I do fall short of his glory, I'm grateful I'm forgiven by the blood of Jesus


     I have a positive attitude because I'm God's resume.  I consider other people above myself because I'm

God's resume..  I give all my worries and concerns to God because I'm his resume.  Jesus Christ is my

righteousness, the one who covers my sins.  I'm moved out of darkness into God's glorious light, which

presents me as God's resume.  

                                                     Ki Radiance
                                                     Thursday June 7, 2012
                                                      2:30 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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