Friday, July 13, 2012

Are Ten Commandments too Much To Make Us Lose Touch With God?

     This is the ultimate question every human being should ask themselves:  Are the ten commandments too

much to make us lose touch with God?  God says, "My commands are not burdensome to follow."  (1 John

5:3).  I ask of us again, "Are the ten commandments too much to make us lose touch with God?  He has

removed himself from the human race for six thousand years.  We would experience peace, love, joy,

happiness, contentment,  and other emotions as such if we followed them.  So I ask again, "Are ten

commandments too much to make us lose touch with God?"  We need to understand they are towards

our protection.  Every action has a reaction.  We reap what we sew.  So I ask again, "Are ten

commandments too much for us to follow?  God can't be around darkness, which we are because we fall

short of the glory of God.  Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.  Are the ten commandments too

much for us to follow?  By following them, we show we love God.  He loved us so much that he allowed

his son, (Jesus Christ) to die on the cross for our sins.  He separated himself from us, but because of his

love for us, he's given us the ten commandments, (which are our protections).  We live in the world, but

we don't have to be of it.

     So I ask all of us,, "Are the ten commandments too much to make us lose touch with God?  We have to

love God before we love ourselves, and we show we love him by following the ten commandments.  God

loved us enough to give us ten commandments to survive in this world.  Do we hold God above ourselves, or

ourselves above God?  That's determined if the ten commandments are too much for us to lose contact with


                   1 Samual 7:3

      And Samua said to the whole house of  Israel,  "If you are returning to the Lord with all of your hearts,

then rid yourselves of the foreign god's and the Ashtoreths and commit yourselves to the Lord, and serve

him only, and he will deliver you out of the Philistines.

                                Ki Radiance
                                Friday July 13, 2012
                                7:54 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved


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