Sunday, July 22, 2012

Because This Isn't God's World

     "Why" is a question that's asked everyday by many people.  Truthfully by the world because we don't

understand why the world is standing in positions of destroying itself.  The answer to why is because this

isn't God's world.  There are cases of terrorism that are prevalent in our world.  Many people ask, "Why?"

But again, it's because this isn't God's world.  Homicide is evident in our world because this isn't God's

world.  The world doesn't know God, and don't want to know him.  Many people pray, "God speed".

This is their prayer because they're tired of this world.  Knowing there is a place better than this world.

That's why scripture says, "Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not

destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal.  (Matthew 6:20)  Why is the question we ask

ourselves, and the only answer I can think of is to bring us to God and dependance on him.  That's what he

demands of us.

     Bombings occur because this isn't God's world.  God cut all ties with the world because he knew we are

drawn to sinful actions.  Kids run away from home because this isn't God's world.  Satan's influences are

prevalent all around the world.  Setting fire to people's properties are present because this isn't God's

world.  Children are getting molested because this isn't God's world.  Thankfully, the Son of Man, (Jesus

Christ) will return soon.  This world stands opposed to God, but Jesus Christ is our righteousness, who

connects us to God.  These kinds of actions will happen until the end of time.  These realities are like lessons

for us, presenting the world as a school.  But we have hardheads where we have to bump our heads over

and over again.  Reality exists as it does because this isn't God's world.  So the word, "why" should never be

asked again, because we already know this isn't God's world.

                                                          Ki Radiance
                                                          Saturday July 22, 2012
                                                          4:10 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved  

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