Sunday, December 30, 2012

Conditions Are Getting Worse Because Of A Curse: Disobedience

     We inflict this curse on ourselves:  Disobedience.  For every action, there is a reaction.  From

disobedience to the ten commandments given by God, which are towards our protection.  We

experience a curse of separation from God, walk in darkness.  Every time we are disobedient to

him, (which are violating his commandments), God turns his face away from us.  We never thought

disobedience could be a curse, that's why they're so randomly performed.  Disobedience like lying

to each other, which truthfully is like we're lying to God.  That creates confusion, and we know,

(those of us who study the Bible) God is not a god of confusion.  Conditions are getting worse

because of a curse: disobedience.  Disobedient acts are things we mostly keep secret, but these

actions aren't secrets kept from God, because he sees everything under the sun.  He's who we

must give account of our actions to.

     We fall short of the glory of God because we've adopted the human nature into our beings.  Things

we intend to keep secret are mostly things we shouldn't perform, which we already know.  Disobedience

says we literally hate God, because actions speak louder than words..  Because if we did love him, we

would keep his commandments.

                                  (Joshua 22:22
     The Mighty One, God , the Lord!  The Mighty One, God, the Lord.  He knows!  And let Israel know.

if this had been in rebellion or disobedience to the Lord, do not spare us this day.

                                              Ki Radiance
                                              Saturday December 29, 2012
                                              6:00 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Spiritual Degree

     This is the highest level of degree I could receive and truly appreciate: spiritual degree.  This is true

because this world has nothing I desire.  I must think in the spirit.  (Galations 5:16)  I don't regret

discontinuing my college education, because I'm answering to a higher calling.  By me setting my eyes

on things above, conditions on earth don't bother me.  All of my literature can be backed up with

scripture, because God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  Sometimes I wake

up with inspiration God gives me to deliver to the world, and that's the best way to wake up.  God

speaking words to me to inspire and encourage other people.  I write literature for other people's

benefits, not my own, because I've already received my gift from God: knowledge of Him.  I have

a spiritual degree because I seek God's face with all of my heart, because there's nothing else as

precious to me than finding Him.  My spiritual degree is strong because of my spiritual devotion.

This degree will continue elevating because as I mature, my spirituality will grow also.

      My spiritual degree enables me to reflect that GLOW within myself  That displays, (God's

Labor Of Wisdom).  I don't leave home without arming myself with my spiritual degree.  This is my

weapon I use to fight off mood swings Satan throws my way.  If God is for me, (which He is) who

can be against me?  Come to me what may.  I'm not afraid because I fear no man but God.  I fall

short of the glory of God, but I'm forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ.   We can't elevate to no higher

degree than a spiritual degree.  I never want to just be good or okay, or average, I want to be excellent.

I can only stand as being excellent with the blood of Jesus Christ covering over my sins.  Before I die, I will

fully have my spiritual degree, because I will reflect His spirit.

                               Ki Radiance
                               Wednesday December 26,  2012
                               10:50 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 24, 2012

We Celebrate New Years, But Are We Displaying Anything New?i

     We party every year that ends, and celebrate every year that begins.  But are we displaying anything new

in our hearts or actions?  Killing has existed since the time of Cain and Abel, and hasn't ceased to exist

ever since then.  We take more pride in celebrating than we do in giving reason to celebrate.  We celebrate

new years, but jealousy still exists and is acted on.  We celebrate a new year, but hatred still exists all around

the world.  It's celebrated in our hearts, but it's not demonstrated in our actions.  We celebrate new years,

but are we displaying anything new?  It's like we're moving in circular movements in our deliverances,

displaying no growth from the last year to the new year.  I disregard the word, "New," because presently

there's nothing, "New" about it.  It may seem like I'm a little harsh, but I call them like I see them,  I'm not

trying to be a grinch, I'm trying to light a fire under us to spark productive changes in our actions and

attitudes towards each other.  Because I'm tired of living in a world that's killing itself.

     Everyday we hear of tragedies occurring around the world, and hearing people cry, "God help us."

But God doesn't associate with darkness.  People who refuses to live by the ten commandments, which

are our protection against this evil world.  We celebrate new years, but are we displaying anything, "New".

New Year."  Our actions speak louder than our words.  As soon as we do, we'll have reasons to wish

everyone, a "Happy New Year."

                                               Ki Radiance
                                               Monday December 24, 2012
                                               10:34 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 23, 2012

I'm Washed

     This was the happiest day of my life: when Jesus Christ washed my sins away.  They are as white as

snow.  Not because of anything good I have done, but for the love God has for me.  Allowing His Son,

(Jesus Christ) to die on the cross for my sins.  Not the day I graduated from high school, that doesn't

even come close to this treasure I'm holding.  Not the day I got my first book published, though that

 is a moment I treasure.  It wasn't as glorious as when I took off the old self and put on the new self.

I'm washed because God has moved my sins away from me as far as the east is from the west.  I'm washed

from the uncleanliness of my past.  God loves me more than I love myself.  I'm washed from every negative

thought I've had that I've given action to.  When God looks at me, he sees Jesus, who is my righteousness.

I'm washed by the blood of Jesus Christ who qualifies me of being in good standing with God.  He gets the

punishments I deserve, standing at far distances from God, and I get what he deserves, close standings with

God.  Jesus Christ is my sacrificial lamb, who I am so grateful for.  Physically washing my body doesn't

compare to washing my spirit, because I'm moved far away from Satan to standing close to God.  That's

the proof I'm washed.

                                  1 John 2:12

     I write you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name.

                                                            Ki Radiance
                                                            Sunday September 23, 2012
                                                            5:00 c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Friday, December 21, 2012

My Marriage To God

     There couldn't ever be two beings closer to each other than God and myself.  We're joined together at

the spirit.  I know where my strength comes from.  I may have disabilities, but I can do all things through

Christ who strengthens me.  (Philippians 4:13).  My marriage to God is what I treasure above everything

else, because his mercies are new everyday.  My marriage to God is the one which there will be no divorce,

because I know what I have in him.  His love for me is unconditional.  He gives me blessings I do not

deserve.  My marriage to God elevates to unlimited measures, because his love for me is unconditional.

.  My sins are as white as snow because he allowed his Son, (Jesus Christ) to be sacrificed on the cross for

my sins.  He has the first and last word in my life, because he sees all that happens on earth.  He knows

everything, there's nothing hidden from his sight.  We will be called to account for our actions, that's why we

must fear him.  My obedience to God is desperate because I don't want him to turn his face from me.

     I diligently persist to walk in his ways, though I do fall short of the glory of God, but he forgives me.  I

take my vows to God seriously.  He is the head of my life.  I trust him above anyone else.  I face trials and

tribulations everyday that persists to break my marriage to God apart.  But I remember and trust in what you

say, "I will never leave nor forsake you".  (Joshua 1:5)  I also trust you will never never give me more than

I can handle.  I may be blessed with marrying the man of my dreams, but that blessing won't diminish my

my love for God or tear it apart.  I immensely treasure the day I became a bride of God's, and me saying

"Yes" to his proposal.

                                                           Ki Radiance
                                                           Friday December 21, 2012
                                                           6:19 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

The World Needs To Know How Far It Can Go

     We make up the world, and it's abilities and accomplishments.  Presently we're on the downfall of our

realizations of the power that's in our tongues and attitudes.  Sad to say our interactions with each other are

degrading our abilities to reach heights beyond our imaginations.  We live in Satan's world where he's taking

dominion of our world.  Some people may ask, "How can God allow so many horrible things to happen?"

Things like sexual harassment,  child abuse, sex abuse, neglect, terrorism, homicide, suicide, incest, killing,

stealing, robbing, and the list goes on and on.  God has washed his hands of us because we hold darkness

within ourselves, and he cannot be around darkness.  The world needs to know our refusing to live by the

ten commandments is what's killing us, physically, emotionally, and most important, spiritually.  The world

needs to know our ways of living are opposed to God's commandments of how to live.  The world is ours,

but Satan, with his schemes of deception, are preventing us from taking hold of it.  The world is ours, but

Satan with his schemes of deception, are preventing us from taking hold of it.

     The world needs to know how far it can go.  The world needs to know we could live in unity with each

other by resisting Satan's schemes, which aims to divide us.  But we need to follow Jesus Christ to embrace

unity among us.  We all know a house divided cannot stand, and we are that house.  The world needs to

know how far we can go.  All things are possible with Christ who strengthens me.  (Philippians 4:13).

So our dependence should be on him.  The world needs to know we reap what we sew.  That's the

bottom line.  Actions we perform has destinations they will conclude with us

Sunday, December 2, 2012

First Spirit Basis

     I'm grateful my spirit stands in this position with God:  First basis.  It stands in this position through me

giving all of my problems and concerns to him, because he is all powerful, almighty, loving, forgiving, patient,

gracious, holy, and good.  I'm holding first spirit basis basis with God through reading the BIBLE, which

displays Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, and applying what I read into my life.  Each piece of

literature I write can be backed up with scripture because God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days

a week.  His word is written on my heart.  It's nice knowing people on a first name basis, but it's more

beneficial knowing God on a first spirit basis.  When I'm backed up in a corner, I think  to myself, what

would Jesus, (the image of God) do?   In order to accurately conclude what this answer is, I have to set

my eyes on things above and take off the physical self and put on the spiritual self.

     So there's no second spirit basis held in my life, because is the head of my life, and that's all that needs

to be said about that.  As first as I make God in my life, that's how first he will make me.  He said, "I will

give you the desires of your heart."   (Psalm 21:2)  You have granted him his hearts desire and have not

withheld the requests of his lips.  I'm overprotective of my spiritual standing because I know who I am in him

and what I have in him also.  I don't want God to say to me on that faithful day, "Away from me, I never

knew you."  That's why I'm studying his word, to show myself approved.   Seeking your face, dear Lord,.

I want to know you, as you know me   So our relationship will elevate us to holding first spirit basis.

                                                      Ki Radiance
                                                      Saturday December 11, 2012
                                                      Copyright-All Rights Reserved        

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Armed And Dangerous: I Come Strapped

     Some people constantly ask me why do I always write about God?  Why my literature is useful for

for every circumstance we get into?  Why they can resolve some conflicts some people get into with

other people?  The reason is because I'm armed and dangerous.  I come strapped with the word of God,

The word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates to dividing soul and spirit, joints

and marrow.  (Hebrews 4:12).  Blocking the arrows of Satan.  The realness comes from from my heart

because that's what I expect to be returned to me.  God arms me with his protection of how to live: by the

 ten commandments.  I do fall short of the glory of God, but I'm lifted back up and repositioned in my

rightful place so I can continue serving God.  Delivering His characteristics to the world.  I'm armed and

dangerous because I come strapped with God's word.

     His word is written on my heart which gives the literature I write its attractiveness it has in hearts of

people who read them.  My literature cuts to the heart to get people's attention and to make them understand  

the seriousness of the positions we put ourselves in.  From relationships we have with one another to

attitudes we have with one another, I come strapped with God's word, which makes me armed and


                                                  Ki Radiance
                                                  Wednesday May 5, 2010
                                                  11:55 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved