Sunday, December 2, 2012

First Spirit Basis

     I'm grateful my spirit stands in this position with God:  First basis.  It stands in this position through me

giving all of my problems and concerns to him, because he is all powerful, almighty, loving, forgiving, patient,

gracious, holy, and good.  I'm holding first spirit basis basis with God through reading the BIBLE, which

displays Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, and applying what I read into my life.  Each piece of

literature I write can be backed up with scripture because God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days

a week.  His word is written on my heart.  It's nice knowing people on a first name basis, but it's more

beneficial knowing God on a first spirit basis.  When I'm backed up in a corner, I think  to myself, what

would Jesus, (the image of God) do?   In order to accurately conclude what this answer is, I have to set

my eyes on things above and take off the physical self and put on the spiritual self.

     So there's no second spirit basis held in my life, because is the head of my life, and that's all that needs

to be said about that.  As first as I make God in my life, that's how first he will make me.  He said, "I will

give you the desires of your heart."   (Psalm 21:2)  You have granted him his hearts desire and have not

withheld the requests of his lips.  I'm overprotective of my spiritual standing because I know who I am in him

and what I have in him also.  I don't want God to say to me on that faithful day, "Away from me, I never

knew you."  That's why I'm studying his word, to show myself approved.   Seeking your face, dear Lord,.

I want to know you, as you know me   So our relationship will elevate us to holding first spirit basis.

                                                      Ki Radiance
                                                      Saturday December 11, 2012
                                                      Copyright-All Rights Reserved        

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