Sunday, December 30, 2012

Conditions Are Getting Worse Because Of A Curse: Disobedience

     We inflict this curse on ourselves:  Disobedience.  For every action, there is a reaction.  From

disobedience to the ten commandments given by God, which are towards our protection.  We

experience a curse of separation from God, walk in darkness.  Every time we are disobedient to

him, (which are violating his commandments), God turns his face away from us.  We never thought

disobedience could be a curse, that's why they're so randomly performed.  Disobedience like lying

to each other, which truthfully is like we're lying to God.  That creates confusion, and we know,

(those of us who study the Bible) God is not a god of confusion.  Conditions are getting worse

because of a curse: disobedience.  Disobedient acts are things we mostly keep secret, but these

actions aren't secrets kept from God, because he sees everything under the sun.  He's who we

must give account of our actions to.

     We fall short of the glory of God because we've adopted the human nature into our beings.  Things

we intend to keep secret are mostly things we shouldn't perform, which we already know.  Disobedience

says we literally hate God, because actions speak louder than words..  Because if we did love him, we

would keep his commandments.

                                  (Joshua 22:22
     The Mighty One, God , the Lord!  The Mighty One, God, the Lord.  He knows!  And let Israel know.

if this had been in rebellion or disobedience to the Lord, do not spare us this day.

                                              Ki Radiance
                                              Saturday December 29, 2012
                                              6:00 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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