Friday, December 21, 2012

The World Needs To Know How Far It Can Go

     We make up the world, and it's abilities and accomplishments.  Presently we're on the downfall of our

realizations of the power that's in our tongues and attitudes.  Sad to say our interactions with each other are

degrading our abilities to reach heights beyond our imaginations.  We live in Satan's world where he's taking

dominion of our world.  Some people may ask, "How can God allow so many horrible things to happen?"

Things like sexual harassment,  child abuse, sex abuse, neglect, terrorism, homicide, suicide, incest, killing,

stealing, robbing, and the list goes on and on.  God has washed his hands of us because we hold darkness

within ourselves, and he cannot be around darkness.  The world needs to know our refusing to live by the

ten commandments is what's killing us, physically, emotionally, and most important, spiritually.  The world

needs to know our ways of living are opposed to God's commandments of how to live.  The world is ours,

but Satan, with his schemes of deception, are preventing us from taking hold of it.  The world is ours, but

Satan with his schemes of deception, are preventing us from taking hold of it.

     The world needs to know how far it can go.  The world needs to know we could live in unity with each

other by resisting Satan's schemes, which aims to divide us.  But we need to follow Jesus Christ to embrace

unity among us.  We all know a house divided cannot stand, and we are that house.  The world needs to

know how far we can go.  All things are possible with Christ who strengthens me.  (Philippians 4:13).

So our dependence should be on him.  The world needs to know we reap what we sew.  That's the

bottom line.  Actions we perform has destinations they will conclude with us

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