There couldn't ever be two beings closer to each other than God and myself. We're joined together at
the spirit. I know where my strength comes from. I may have disabilities, but I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13). My marriage to God is what I treasure above everything
else, because his mercies are new everyday. My marriage to God is the one which there will be no divorce,
because I know what I have in him. His love for me is unconditional. He gives me blessings I do not
deserve. My marriage to God elevates to unlimited measures, because his love for me is unconditional.
. My sins are as white as snow because he allowed his Son, (Jesus Christ) to be sacrificed on the cross for
my sins. He has the first and last word in my life, because he sees all that happens on earth. He knows
everything, there's nothing hidden from his sight. We will be called to account for our actions, that's why we
must fear him. My obedience to God is desperate because I don't want him to turn his face from me.
I diligently persist to walk in his ways, though I do fall short of the glory of God, but he forgives me. I
take my vows to God seriously. He is the head of my life. I trust him above anyone else. I face trials and
tribulations everyday that persists to break my marriage to God apart. But I remember and trust in what you
say, "I will never leave nor forsake you". (Joshua 1:5) I also trust you will never never give me more than
I can handle. I may be blessed with marrying the man of my dreams, but that blessing won't diminish my
my love for God or tear it apart. I immensely treasure the day I became a bride of God's, and me saying
"Yes" to his proposal.
Ki Radiance
Friday December 21, 2012
6:19 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved
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