Friday, August 31, 2012

I'm Sensitive Because Jesus Taught Me How To Live

     Most people tell me I have a kind heart.  I'm willing to do without so other people will have what they

need.  Like whenever I see people, I extend a loving smile to them.  Most people say I'm the reason they

come to the show, to see my smile.  I extend characteristics of Jesus Christ.  That shows me a smile can

make people's day brighter, which they tell me mine does.  They tell me I have a glow radiating from me.

That GLOW is (God's Labor Of Wisdom).  When I read the BIBLE, which releases, Basic Instructions

Before Leaving Earth).  I learn how to live.  It extends characteristics of Christ, who is who I'm commanded

to follow.  To FOLLOW is to (Fully Obey Loyal Laws Of Wisdom)  I'm sensitive because Jesus taught me

how to live.  Whenever I'm in a in a confrontation with people, I ask myself, "What would Jesus do?"  He

thinks of other people before himself.  I cry when I hear of people hurt.  I hate looking at the news because

all I hear is bad news, but the world is what I'm aiming to change.    How can I change it if I don't know

what.condition it's in?

     I'm a writer who dedicates my literature to God and people's realization of our desperation for him.

I'm sensitive because Jesus taught me how to live.  I don't talk harsh to people.  I don't consider myself

to be better than anyone else.  I'm sensitive because Jesus taught me how to live.  So don't be putting

me down, take my kindness for weakness.  First I have strength in God, who enhances the strength in

myself.  I'm proud to be apart of this chain: God taught Jesus how to live.  Jesus taught me how to live,

and that's why I'm sensitive.  I consider other people better than myself.  Other people may see this as

weakness, but I see it as strength because Jesus Christ is the image of God, who is sensitive.  It's

because of Jesus Christ, I know how to live.

                            Psalm 119:35

     Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.

                          Psalm 119: 86

     All your commands are trustworthy: help me, for men persecute me without cause.

                                          Ki Radiance
                                          Friday August 31, 2012
                                          9:31 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Until I See God

                                                Until I See God

                                              Written By Ki Radiance
                                              "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                                           (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
                                            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

    This is the main reason I write: To make God visible to everyone.  His characteristics are evident in the

BIBLE, providing Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).  We are commanded to follow him.  I only

write about God because he is the only thing worth writing about.  Jesus Christ is the image of God, who

we're commanded to follow.  Every day and night I write literature that can be backed up with scripture,

because God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  I'll write until I see God.  I'll continue

writing about his love and mercy he has for us.  Some people don't like me always writing about God, but I

say they don't have to read my literature,  That doesn't sway my commitment to glorify God with the talent

he's blessed me with.  I'll write until I see God.  This may seem like an impossible mission, but as big as

your prayers are is how big you believe God to be.  Like I want to change the world with the literature I


      I write about all the conditions around the world, showing where God is absent, and what we would

have with his presence being among us.  This reality is in our hands, because he can't be around darkness,

which we are.  Does this information change our actions in any way?  This is the reason why Jesus Christ

died, to take our sins away.  They're as white as snow.  He is our righteousness, connecting us to God.  The

world may hate me, but I must realize they hated Jesus first.  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  No

one can get to God except through Jesus Christ.  Until I see God, I will imitate Christ :who is the image

of God.   I will receive the reward, seeing God, and I'll  continue writing until that glorious moment comes

into fruition.  God is loving, almighty, all-knowing, compassionate, and gracious, and that's how long I'll be

writing, until i see God.

                                     Ki Radiance
                                     Wednesday August 29, 2012
                                      6:26 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wonderful Opportunities Radiantly Developing

     Many people refer to the Bible as the WORD, releasing Wonderful Opportunities Radiantly Developing.

It's persisting to develop Christ's spirit within us.  Every time we read the WORD, we give God chances to

speak to us.  It's beneficial to set time aside for God to speak to us in the morning, so we'll have direction for

our hearts and actions to move in.  Beneficial in what directions our feet moves in.  The WORD provides us

with potential to escape the corruption of the world.  Ultimately, following the word of God proves we

know who he is: the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  Since Wonderful Opportunities

Radiantly Developing are the results we'll conclude with in the end, why aren't we eagerly running to and

obeying the word of God?  Our obedience to the word of God is crucial, and it determines if we love God.

     2 Corinthians 2:9

     Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death.  But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves

but on God, who raises the dead.

                                             Ki Radiance
                                             Tuesday August 28, 2012
                                              8:14 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Sunday, August 26, 2012

God Chose Me

     It's nice when people choose you for good things other than people.  But it's more precious and

honorable to be chosen by God.  It's more precious and honorable because God loves me unconditionally.

He has that Agape love for me, (meaning ever-lasting).  He blessed me with a talent in writing, which truly is

a passion of mine.  I use this talent to get God's word out, to introduce the world to him, because we act like

we don't know him.  God chose me to get his word out, and the instrument to do it with: writing.  Each piece

of literature I write can be backed up with God's word, because he is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven

days a week.  God chose me to be a witness for him, to be his voice.  I say it with pride:  "God chose me!!"

He chose me to overcome struggles in my life, because he knew I would give all glory to him.  God chose

me to be his spokeswoman  because he is all I write about.  Some people who read my literature ask me,

"Why do I only write about God?  I reply, "Because God is the only thing worth writing about."  Life

happens, of course, but blessings happen also when we pray to God, and let go of our worries and


     God chose me to face everything I've faced in life, both good and bad,  because he knew I would

depend on him in times I face struggles and glorify him when I was victorious.  That's all he asks for:

my dependence.  That's why I face trials and tribulations everyday, because God wants me to depend

on him.  I've faced being sexually taken advantage of, because God wanted me to depend on him.  I've

been teased about being in a wheelchair because God wanted me to depend on him.  I've been in

relationships where I've been taken advantage of because God wanted me to depend on him.  I've

been gossiped about because God wanted me to depend on him.  I've been over-weight where I thought

all hope was loss because God wanted me to depend on him.  I gave all of these occurrences to God

because I didn't know what to do with them.  I had faith because without faith, it is impossible to please


            Psalm 147:11

     The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

                                              Ki Radiance
                                              Wednesday August 22, 2012
                                               7: p.m. c Copright- All Rights Reserved

Friday, August 24, 2012

God Chose Me

       It's nice when people choose you for good things, over other people.  But it's more precious and

honorable to be chosen by God.  It's more precious and honorable because God loves me unconditionally.

He has that agape love for me, (meaning ever-lasting.  He blessed me with a talent in writing, which truly is a

passion of mine.  I use this talent to get God's word out, to introduce the world to him, because we

sometimes act like we don't know him.  God chose me to get his word out, and the instrument to do it with:

writing.  Each piece can be backed up with God's word because God is on my mind twenty-four hours,

seven days a week.  God chose me to be a witness for him, to be his voice.  I say it with pride: "God

chose me."  God chose me to overcome struggles in my life, because he knew I would depend on him,

and that's what he asks for, my dependence.

     That's why I face trials and tribulations everyday, because God wants me to depend on him.  I've

faced being sexually taken advantage of, because God wanted me to depend on him.  I've been teased

 about being in a wheelchair because God wanted me to depend on him.  I've been gossiped  about

because God wanted me to depend on him.  I've been over-weight where I thought all hope was

loss because God wanted me to depend on him.  I gave all of these occurrences to God because I

didn't know what to do with them.  I had faith because without faith, it is impossible to please God.

                                                     Psalm 147:11

     The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

                                                       Ki Radiance
                                                       Wednesday August 22, 2012
                                                        7:14 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Glue: Characteristics Of Jesus Christ

     This is the glue in my life:  characteristics of Jesus Christ.  I constantly have a smile on my face

because God hasn't given me a reason to frown.  My eyes are set on things above, because everything

on earth is vanity.  Many people tell me I have a (GLOW) about myself.  I perceive that (GLOW)

to be (God's Labor Of Wisdom).  I'm a writer whose literature can be backed up with God's word,

because his word is written on my heart.  He is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.

People I come in contact with tell me I have a beautiful smile, it brightens.their days.  It's like sunshine

radiating from my heart.  The glue is my relationship with God.  I feel like glue to people who comes

to my job.  Sure they come to see movies, but they tell me they come to see my smile and be exposed

to my spirit, which comes from God.

     I don't mean to brag about my connection with people, but my relationship with God.  Because he

gives me more than I ask for, more than I deserve.  Hearts of people I come in contact with are my

intendant targets I intend to hit, and I do because I constantly extend characteristics of Jesus Christ,

which is the glue.

                                        Ki Radiance
                                        Sunday August 19, 2012
                                        11:07 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Friday, August 17, 2012

Our Rewards Depends On Our Spiritual Growths

     We know rewards to be good, but this is not always true.  They can be good and bad.  When some

people are generous to other people, generosity will return to them.  We reap what we sew.  Our world is

engulfed with two different stations:  physical and spiritual.  But we all should focus on our spiritual growths,

because it's the highest station between the two.  Our spiritual growths should be our motivations for

imitating Jesus Christ.  Most of us look forward to the rewards we will receive from the actions we perform.

But truthfully, our rewards depends on our spiritual growths because the physical amounts to nothing without

the spirit.  Our rewards depends on our spiritual growths.  Good reaps good.  Nothing nothing more needs

to be said.  Some people engulf themselves in studying the BIBLE, which provides, (Basic Instructions

Before Leaving Earth).  If we want our rewards to be productive in our lives, how much are we searching

for God and his directions in how to live?

     We shouldn't expect nothing good to return to us if we don't greatly invest Godly attributes in our spiritual

growths.  God will give us the desires of our hearts for investing his spirit in our spiritual growths.  We will be

rewarded according to our spiritual growths, showing God how first we make him.   The way we show we

love him is by following the ten commandments.  We're given a measure of spirituality, and we must grow

that everyday of our lives.

                            Galations 5:25

     If we  live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.

                           Isaiah 2:5

     Walk in the light of the Lord.

                            Micah 6:8

                      To walk humbly with thy Lord.
                          Psalm 21:2

     You have granted him the desire of his heart and have not withheld the requests of his lips.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The World's Recession: Mouth To Mouth

     We know the differences between right and wrong.  God placed them in our hearts.  We have freewill to

chose one or the other, which is the world's downfall.  It's our downfall because too many hands in the pot

spoils the broth..  I am speaking of God's plan for mankind.  Emotions are our worse enemies, because

Satan runs rapid with them.  This is Satan's world because doing what is wrong is so enticing to so people.

The world can be considered to be a house.  But we know a house divided cannot stand.  See the

comparison?  But we are standing only by the GRACE of God.  God's Response At Christ's Expense.

Giving the world recession mouth to mouth starts first with our hearts.  Extending them to each one of us.

Selfishness will turn into generosity.  Hatred will turn into love.  Ignorance will turn into intelligence.

Envy will turn into appreciating where we stand.    Bottom line, the world will be turned upside down.  When

we can't breathe, it's like we are panting, taking small breaths because we don't know how much more we


     Today some people give recessions to the world mouth to mouth by feeding the hungry, sheltering the

homeless, sharing intelligence with those who are ignorant, giving water to the thirsty.  Being patient with

individuals who are slow to learn.  Recession is to rise again, but we're not there yet, because we don't

live by the ten commandments, which are our weapons.  We have to dissect the world, heart by heart,

brick by brick.  We give breath to the world by not holding revenge against other people, because God

says, "Vengeance is mine."  (Nahum 1:2)  God is jealous and the Lord revengeth and is furious  The Lord

will take vengeance on his adversaries and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.  The world's recession will

only firmly stand when we live by the Ten Commandments.  Then we can breathe freely.  So what's the

hold up?  We need to breath to live

                                                        Ki Radiance
                                                        Sunday December 25, 2011
                                                        12:15 p.m. c  Copyright- All Rights Reserved

NOISE: Never-Ending Opportunities Identifying Sound Endurance

     Noise can be annoying to many people's ears, but is empowering and amazing to me.  I can identify it

as Never-Ending Opportunities Identifying Sound Endurance.  The first NOISE I make is with God's

word, the BIBLE, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) where I can bring my talent in writing out.

Some people ask me why do I only write about God?  I tell them, "Because there's nothing else worth

writing about than God."  I've been blessed with this talent to bring the NOISE, (Never-Ending

Opportunities Identifying Sound Endurance.  My literature can be backed up with scripture because

God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  Bring the NOISE, that's what I'm doing

every time I write on paper.  When people read my literature and the literature makes them stop and think

about actions they perform and words they speak, hopefully change the ways they live for the better, I've

done my job.  I've brought the NOISE: Never-Ending Opportunities Identifying Sound Endurance.

     I only write about God because there's nothing else worth writing about.  I intend to bring the NOISE

in conditions like rape incidents, hatred, spousal abuse, child abuse, kidnapping, neglect, homicide, suicide,

incest, and other tragic occurrences as such.   Reasons why they occur are because of ignorance, selfishness,

greed, idleness, (which is the devil's work), envy, rage, revenge, and other actions and emotions as such.

People who take part in incest don't care about repercussions of that action, that one action places

participants in the worse standing with God.  One standing that is unforgivable.  All I can say is, "Bring

the NOISE, (Never-ending Opportunities Identifying Sound Endurance), which is done everyday.

I bring the answer, the BIBLE, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

                                     Ki Radiance
                                      Monday December 26, 2011
                                      2:03 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved.

Our Rewards Depends On Our Spiritual Growth

     We know rewards to be good, but this isn't always true.  They can be both good and bad.  When some

are generous to other people, generosity will return to them.  We reap what we sew.  Our world is engulfed

with two different stations: physical and spiritual.  But we all should focus on our spiritual growths.  Our

spiritual growths should be our motivation for imitating Jesus Christ.  Most of us look forward to the rewards

we will receive from actions we perform.  But truthfully our rewards depends on our spiritual growth,

because the physical amounts to nothing without the spiritual.  Our rewards depends on our spiritual growth.

Good reaps good.  Nothing more needs to be said.  Some people engulf themselves in studying the BIBLE,

which provides, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).  If we want our rewards to be productive, how

much are we searching for God and his directions?

     We shouldn't expect nothing good to return to us if we don't greatly invest Godly attributes in our

spiritual growth.  God will give us the desires of our hearts for us investing in our spiritual growth.

(Psalm 21:2)  You have granted him the desires of his heart and have not withheld the requests of his lips.

We will be rewarded for our spiritual growth, showing God how first we make him in our lives.  Showing

our love for him, and the way we do that is by following the ten commandments.

     We're given a measure of spirituality, and we have to grow that everyday of our lives.

                                         Galations 5:25
     If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.

                                    Isaiah 2:5
     Walk in the light of the Lord..

                                 Micah 6:8
     To walk humbly with thy Lord.

                                       Ki Radiance
                                       Thursday March 24, 2012
                                       6:25 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'm Responsible For Getting God's Messages Out To The World

     Everyday I'm responsible for getting God's messages out to the world, and I won't fail in

accomplishing this responsibility.  Everyday God speaks to me in pursuits of me accomplishing

what I'm responsible for.  I'm responsible for this because God's entrusted me with this valuable

to share with other people.  This is because I'm determined to make soldiers of Christ.  I'm

responsible for how many souls I can bring into the kingdom of God.  I love God with all of my

heart.  I persist to show him how I do everyday I live.  I show my love for him by keeping his

commandments.  Though I do fall short of his glory, he forgives me because he is a forgiving

God.  Some people ask me why do I only write about God?  I simply tell them, "Because

he's the only thing worth writing about."  I'm responsible for getting God's messages out to

the world, because I'm not ashamed of it.

     Since I want to live in a world close to paradise, I must the information on how to get there

with everyone.  I'm responsible for getting God's messages out to the world, and through my

talent in writing he's blessed me with is the vehicle I use to get them out to the world.

                                                   Ki Radiance
                                                   Saturday August 11, 2012
                                                   11:22 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved