Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Until I See God

                                                Until I See God

                                              Written By Ki Radiance
                                              "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                                           (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
                                            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

    This is the main reason I write: To make God visible to everyone.  His characteristics are evident in the

BIBLE, providing Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).  We are commanded to follow him.  I only

write about God because he is the only thing worth writing about.  Jesus Christ is the image of God, who

we're commanded to follow.  Every day and night I write literature that can be backed up with scripture,

because God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  I'll write until I see God.  I'll continue

writing about his love and mercy he has for us.  Some people don't like me always writing about God, but I

say they don't have to read my literature,  That doesn't sway my commitment to glorify God with the talent

he's blessed me with.  I'll write until I see God.  This may seem like an impossible mission, but as big as

your prayers are is how big you believe God to be.  Like I want to change the world with the literature I


      I write about all the conditions around the world, showing where God is absent, and what we would

have with his presence being among us.  This reality is in our hands, because he can't be around darkness,

which we are.  Does this information change our actions in any way?  This is the reason why Jesus Christ

died, to take our sins away.  They're as white as snow.  He is our righteousness, connecting us to God.  The

world may hate me, but I must realize they hated Jesus first.  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  No

one can get to God except through Jesus Christ.  Until I see God, I will imitate Christ :who is the image

of God.   I will receive the reward, seeing God, and I'll  continue writing until that glorious moment comes

into fruition.  God is loving, almighty, all-knowing, compassionate, and gracious, and that's how long I'll be

writing, until i see God.

                                     Ki Radiance
                                     Wednesday August 29, 2012
                                      6:26 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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