Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wonderful Opportunities Radiantly Developing

     Many people refer to the Bible as the WORD, releasing Wonderful Opportunities Radiantly Developing.

It's persisting to develop Christ's spirit within us.  Every time we read the WORD, we give God chances to

speak to us.  It's beneficial to set time aside for God to speak to us in the morning, so we'll have direction for

our hearts and actions to move in.  Beneficial in what directions our feet moves in.  The WORD provides us

with potential to escape the corruption of the world.  Ultimately, following the word of God proves we

know who he is: the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  Since Wonderful Opportunities

Radiantly Developing are the results we'll conclude with in the end, why aren't we eagerly running to and

obeying the word of God?  Our obedience to the word of God is crucial, and it determines if we love God.

     2 Corinthians 2:9

     Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death.  But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves

but on God, who raises the dead.

                                             Ki Radiance
                                             Tuesday August 28, 2012
                                              8:14 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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