Sunday, August 12, 2012

NOISE: Never-Ending Opportunities Identifying Sound Endurance

     Noise can be annoying to many people's ears, but is empowering and amazing to me.  I can identify it

as Never-Ending Opportunities Identifying Sound Endurance.  The first NOISE I make is with God's

word, the BIBLE, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) where I can bring my talent in writing out.

Some people ask me why do I only write about God?  I tell them, "Because there's nothing else worth

writing about than God."  I've been blessed with this talent to bring the NOISE, (Never-Ending

Opportunities Identifying Sound Endurance.  My literature can be backed up with scripture because

God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  Bring the NOISE, that's what I'm doing

every time I write on paper.  When people read my literature and the literature makes them stop and think

about actions they perform and words they speak, hopefully change the ways they live for the better, I've

done my job.  I've brought the NOISE: Never-Ending Opportunities Identifying Sound Endurance.

     I only write about God because there's nothing else worth writing about.  I intend to bring the NOISE

in conditions like rape incidents, hatred, spousal abuse, child abuse, kidnapping, neglect, homicide, suicide,

incest, and other tragic occurrences as such.   Reasons why they occur are because of ignorance, selfishness,

greed, idleness, (which is the devil's work), envy, rage, revenge, and other actions and emotions as such.

People who take part in incest don't care about repercussions of that action, that one action places

participants in the worse standing with God.  One standing that is unforgivable.  All I can say is, "Bring

the NOISE, (Never-ending Opportunities Identifying Sound Endurance), which is done everyday.

I bring the answer, the BIBLE, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

                                     Ki Radiance
                                      Monday December 26, 2011
                                      2:03 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved.

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