Friday, August 31, 2012

I'm Sensitive Because Jesus Taught Me How To Live

     Most people tell me I have a kind heart.  I'm willing to do without so other people will have what they

need.  Like whenever I see people, I extend a loving smile to them.  Most people say I'm the reason they

come to the show, to see my smile.  I extend characteristics of Jesus Christ.  That shows me a smile can

make people's day brighter, which they tell me mine does.  They tell me I have a glow radiating from me.

That GLOW is (God's Labor Of Wisdom).  When I read the BIBLE, which releases, Basic Instructions

Before Leaving Earth).  I learn how to live.  It extends characteristics of Christ, who is who I'm commanded

to follow.  To FOLLOW is to (Fully Obey Loyal Laws Of Wisdom)  I'm sensitive because Jesus taught me

how to live.  Whenever I'm in a in a confrontation with people, I ask myself, "What would Jesus do?"  He

thinks of other people before himself.  I cry when I hear of people hurt.  I hate looking at the news because

all I hear is bad news, but the world is what I'm aiming to change.    How can I change it if I don't know

what.condition it's in?

     I'm a writer who dedicates my literature to God and people's realization of our desperation for him.

I'm sensitive because Jesus taught me how to live.  I don't talk harsh to people.  I don't consider myself

to be better than anyone else.  I'm sensitive because Jesus taught me how to live.  So don't be putting

me down, take my kindness for weakness.  First I have strength in God, who enhances the strength in

myself.  I'm proud to be apart of this chain: God taught Jesus how to live.  Jesus taught me how to live,

and that's why I'm sensitive.  I consider other people better than myself.  Other people may see this as

weakness, but I see it as strength because Jesus Christ is the image of God, who is sensitive.  It's

because of Jesus Christ, I know how to live.

                            Psalm 119:35

     Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.

                          Psalm 119: 86

     All your commands are trustworthy: help me, for men persecute me without cause.

                                          Ki Radiance
                                          Friday August 31, 2012
                                          9:31 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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