Sunday, August 12, 2012

The World's Recession: Mouth To Mouth

     We know the differences between right and wrong.  God placed them in our hearts.  We have freewill to

chose one or the other, which is the world's downfall.  It's our downfall because too many hands in the pot

spoils the broth..  I am speaking of God's plan for mankind.  Emotions are our worse enemies, because

Satan runs rapid with them.  This is Satan's world because doing what is wrong is so enticing to so people.

The world can be considered to be a house.  But we know a house divided cannot stand.  See the

comparison?  But we are standing only by the GRACE of God.  God's Response At Christ's Expense.

Giving the world recession mouth to mouth starts first with our hearts.  Extending them to each one of us.

Selfishness will turn into generosity.  Hatred will turn into love.  Ignorance will turn into intelligence.

Envy will turn into appreciating where we stand.    Bottom line, the world will be turned upside down.  When

we can't breathe, it's like we are panting, taking small breaths because we don't know how much more we


     Today some people give recessions to the world mouth to mouth by feeding the hungry, sheltering the

homeless, sharing intelligence with those who are ignorant, giving water to the thirsty.  Being patient with

individuals who are slow to learn.  Recession is to rise again, but we're not there yet, because we don't

live by the ten commandments, which are our weapons.  We have to dissect the world, heart by heart,

brick by brick.  We give breath to the world by not holding revenge against other people, because God

says, "Vengeance is mine."  (Nahum 1:2)  God is jealous and the Lord revengeth and is furious  The Lord

will take vengeance on his adversaries and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.  The world's recession will

only firmly stand when we live by the Ten Commandments.  Then we can breathe freely.  So what's the

hold up?  We need to breath to live

                                                        Ki Radiance
                                                        Sunday December 25, 2011
                                                        12:15 p.m. c  Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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